Explorer Tips: How to Get Free Aira Minutes

A museum exhibit display case in the background, with a woman standing in the foreground holding her smartphone up. She has a brown bob hairstyle, wears a white tank top, and is carrying a purse. White text on a black background reads "Explorer News: How to Get Free Aira Minutes." A teal right angle triangle design feature is on the bottom right corner, while the Aira logo is on the bottom left.

Accessing Free Aira Minutes 

Don’t have a subscription to Aira? No problem: there are still plenty of ways Explorers can access free Aira minutes! Read below for full details. 


Access Partner Locations 

These are locations where you can use Aira for free. If you are in a location where an Access Partner offers Aira, like a university, retail store, transit system, or airport, you can call Aira and connect with a Visual Interpreter free of charge. See a list of our Access Partner locations here. When you call Aira from an Access Partner location, the offer will automatically be applied. To manually search for Access Partner offers, open the app, and click “Browse Access Offers.” You can scroll through recently used offers, and even see ones available near you. Some examples of popular locations include Starbucks, Target, and Wegmans.


Aira Access Offers

When calling Aira through an Access Offer, a specified number of minutes are free, and you will not be charged for them. Only one Access Offer can be used per call. If you want to maximize savings and use multiple offers, please end the call and call back with a different offer. Visual Interpreters cannot switch Access Offers, and once an offer is started, it cannot be paused. 

Access Offers Include: 

Get Started with Aira 

How it works: new Explorers receive three free welcome calls or tasks upon downloading Aira. The task must be marked complete by a Visual Interpreter in order to count. These calls are unlimited in duration and serve as an introduction to our services. In addition to the three free welcome calls, Visual Interpreters are prompted to complete a training session with the Explorer, after which they receive an additional 60 minutes good for seven days as soon as the training is completed.

Five Minutes Free

How it works: Explorers who do not have a subscription can call Aira for up to five minutes every 48 hours, at no cost. Subscribers will be able to call Aira for up to five minutes every 12 hours, at no cost. 


Build AI

How it works: a limited time offer for Explorers in the US who opt into Aira’s AI data collection program. You receive 10 free minutes every 30 minutes. Your 10 free Build AI minutes reset every 30 minutes. Learn more about Build AI here. 


Job Seeker

How it works: free minutes to cover tasks related to searching for a new job, like applying to positions, choosing interview outfits, or updating a resume. One free call per 24 hour period, up to 30 minutes in length. Learn more about the Job Seeker offer here. 


Intuit Small Business Offer 

How it works: sponsored by Intuit, the small business offer gives small business owners, self employed people, or independent contractors up to 150 free minutes a month for tasks related to running their own business, with calls up to 30 minutes in length. Learn more about the Small Business Offer here. 


Access AI: Free for All Explorers 

Aira recently launched Access AI, an innovative image chat tool. Simply take or upload an image from your camera roll, and receive an instant AI-generated description. Some popular uses include taking pictures of signs, outfits, menus, packaging, and digital readings like those on a thermostat. 

Access AI is available to all Explorers for free, whether they have a subscription or not. It can be used to assist with a vast range of tasks. Some popular uses include getting instant descriptions of signs, printed menus, checking an outfit, and reading digital readouts like an oven or thermostat screen. Plus, use the free Aira Verify option to confirm the AI description with a human Visual Interpreter. If you make a call from the Access AI tab, you will start to be charged minutes, although if you are in an Aira Access location, or using an Access Offer (like Build AI or Five Minutes Free), the call will be free.  Full info about Access AI here. 

Do you have questions about the above ways to access free minutes? Get in touch with us at support@aira.io, or call using one of the below phone numbers.

US & Canada: 1-800-835-1934

AU: +1.800.765.09

UK: +0.800.046.5668

NZ: +1.800.425.451