New Integration: Free Remote Incident Manager

A black and white image of a woman sitting at right in front of a laptop. She wears a headset and is looking at the laptop. Text in a teal box at left reads "Explorer News: New Remote Incident Manager Integration." Teal diagonal stripes are in the top left corner, while white diagonal stripes are in the bottom left corner. In the bottom right corner at the Aira logo and the Pneuma Solutions logo.

Aira is announcing an exciting new partnership with Pneuma Solutions, a leader in accessible cloud solutions. This partnership will see Pneuma Solutions’ Remote Incident Manager (RIM) available to support Aira’s services. RIM is recognized for delivering the most accessible and efficient remote access solution for the blind and low-vision community. This integration is part of Aira’s commitment to providing our Explorer community with a wide range of accessible options during calls to best fit their needs and goals. 

With RIM, a visual interpreter can remotely access an Explorer’s computer in order to assist with online tasks. While on an Aira call, Explorers can open RIM to receive remote help, and the visual interpreter will provide a secure keyword. The Explorer can enter the keyword and then receive assistance on their computer. 

By using RIM with Aira, Explorers can streamline their workflows and accomplish tasks with more efficiency. RIM is compatible with Mac and Windows, as well as with screen readers, including Jaws, NVDA, Narrator, and Voiceover. To learn more and download RIM, please click here

RIM support will be added and completed in July. 

This integration ensures that all Explorers have access to top-tier remote assistance, which will increase collaboration and problem-solving alongside visual interpreters. 

As with all Aira services, trust and privacy are a top priority. Information and data from a session using RIM are confidential and not shared. For more information please refer to our privacy policy and terms of service.  

For questions on using this new RIM integration, please contact Aira Customer Care at or by phone at 1-800-835-1934.