Explorer Town Hall: Meta Ray Bans Integration

A black and white image of a town hall meeting. White text atop image reads "Aira Community: Town Hall: Meta Ray-Bans Integration." Teal decorative triangles are shown at right of the text box. Aira logo is at bottom right.


Explorer Town Hall: Meta Ray-Bans Integration


Event Date & Time 

Tuesday, September 17th | 5:00 PM PST
Where: Aira Explorer app under “Events” in the “More” tab, or Youtube & Facebook Live
Zoom link: https://aira.zoom.us/j/88931260595#success


Join us for a Town Hall where we’ll provide updates on the Meta Ray-Bans integration, share the challenges we’re facing, and discuss how your support can help drive improvements—giving you the chance to play a pivotal role in shaping a better experience for the blind and low-vision community.

In this session, we’ll provide an in-depth look at the state of our integration with the Meta Ray-Bans. While we’ve made progress, we are not fully satisfied with the current experience and will share the issues we’ve uncovered. Many of these challenges are beyond our control, and we’re asking for your support in advocating for a deeper integration with Meta’s technology. 

Our goal is to make the process as seamless as possible, providing the best experience for all Explorers. Together, we can help bring attention to these improvements and ensure smoother access to this exciting technology. We are continually committed to exploring new, quality smart glasses options that can benefit professional, hands free visual interpreting with Aira.

Key Focus:

We are mobilizing our community to push for deeper integration with the Meta Ray-Bans. By participating in the town hall and advocating with Meta, you can help make this integration smooth and seamless, improving the experience for all Explorers when using Aira with this exciting new technology. 

You will hear from Aira’s leadership team on the following and have a chance for Q&A at the end.

  • Transparency About Current Limitations: While the current work around is functional, the process is not yet streamlined. We want to be transparent about the existing issues and limitations, at this stage, as well as the excitement we have received from our testers so far. 
  • Call for Community Support: A direct integration depends on our ability to get attention and collaboration from Meta. Explorers can play a crucial role in helping us advocate for a more seamless experience by pushing for a deeper partnership with Meta. Your voice can help drive the changes needed to make this technology truly accessible and efficient.
  • Next steps for launch: Next week we will be doing a controlled roll out of the current Meta Ray-Bans Glasses integration with Aira. More details of this process will be shared during the Town Hall. 

How to Advocate

All Explorers are encouraged to share their experiences and send form letters to Meta advocating for integration. This is your opportunity to directly impact the Explorer experience and unlock the full potential for what these smart glasses can offer the blind and low vision community. After the Town Hall, we will be sending out an email template that you can share and additional advocacy resources.  


Event Date & Time:

Tuesday, September 17th | 5:00 PM PST
Where: Aira Explorer app under “Events” in the “More” tab, or Youtube & Facebook Live
Zoom link: https://aira.zoom.us/j/88931260595#success