Learning Platforms
Aira’s service supplements industry leading-accessible learning management systems, by removing barriers for their learners and creating equal access to information.
Details on Desire2Learn and VHL Central follow.
Desire2Learn (D2L)
Q: What does the offer cover?
A: D2L will provide Aira’s service to end users of the Brightspace software in US, Canada, NZ, and Australia.
Q: How do I identify Brightspace software?
A: Look at the Navbar layout, no matter what page the user is on, the nabber area will always have the same look/feel. See image.
- A company logo top left
- The course name in the middle where it reads “Jordan Snider Course 3”
- The same set of icons and username along the right
- A second row of links in a navigation bar
If the URL reads anything with “d2l” in it can be assumed its Brightspace.
Example URLs (you will not be able to log into these, just note the URL name):
Homepage: https://partners.brightspace. com/d2l/home/10282
Grades: https://partners.brightspace. com/d2l/lms/grades/admin/ enter/user_list_view.d2l?ou= 10282
Dropbox: https://partners.brightspace. com/d2l/lms/dropbox/user/ folders_list.d2l?ou=10282& isprv=0https://partners.brightspace. com/d2l/lms/quizzing/user/ quizzes_list.d2l?ou=10282
VHL Central
Q: What products are covered by VHL Central?
A: Any online-based language-learning course with “vhlcentral.com” in the URL.
Talk with Us
Aira was purpose-built for someone who desires visual information about their surroundings. Our community consists largely of people who are blind or have low vision; if you would benefit from live, on-demand visual information, we’d love to talk with you.
Aira. The description of life.