Exciting Pricing News for Aira Subscribers!

A black and white image of a person holding a smartphone displaying the Aira app. Overlaid on the image is a blue rectangular box with the text "Explorer News" in black, "Aira Pricing Update" in white, and "Great news on pricing for our Explorer community" in white.The Aira logo is in the bottom left corner, teal and white. The image has diagonal white lines on the right side, and teal diagonal lines on the left side.

At Aira, we are dedicated to providing exceptional visual interpreting services to our community of people who are blind or have low vision. We are excited to share some wonderful news with you!

No Price Increases in 2025

We are pleased to announce that there will be no price increases for any of our subscriber plans in 2025. Whether you are on a legacy plan or one of our Metal Plans, your current pricing will remain the same throughout the 2025 calendar year. This is our commitment to ensuring that you continue to receive Aira’s top-quality services without any additional financial burden.

More Minutes for Metal Plan Subscribers!

In addition, we are delighted to offer a special benefit to our Metal Plan subscribers. All new and existing Metal Plan subscribers will receive at least a 10% increase in their monthly minutes at no extra charge. The increase was calculated for each tier of the Metal Plan by adding 10% in minutes, and then rounding up to the nearest five minutes. These increased monthly minutes are our way of showing appreciation for your ongoing trust and support.

Thank you for being an essential part of our community! We value your loyalty and are committed to enhancing your experience with Aira. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Care team at support@aira.io or by using the below phone numbers: 

US:  1-800-835-1934
AU: +1.800.765.096
UK: +0.800.046.5668
NZ: +1.800.425.451 


Q: What date will my increased monthly minutes become available?
A: The increase in your monthly minutes will become available on your next pay cycle after or on July 1st.

Q: Will prices increase in 2026?
A: There are no current plans to increase prices at this time.

Q: If I’m a new Metal Plan subscriber, will the increased monthly minutes be available for me right away?
A: Increased monthly minutes will become available on your next pay cycle after or on July 1st.

Q: Will NFB plans still be available?
A: Yes, the NFB Metal plans for NFB members are available and represent the lowest cost subscriptions.

Q: How long will the 10% minute increase continue? Is it a permanent increase?
A: Yes. 

To continue staying up to date on Aira announcements and new products, make sure to join the Aira Explorer Facebook Page here.